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Become a Member / Donate to the West Coast Jazz Society - note that WCJS is a  501(C)3  pending educational & charitable tax organization.

All donations received by the West Coast Jazz Society go primarily to fund jazz educational programs and to promote and sponsor jazz concerts/ festivals and activities throughout Lawton and surrounding areas.  No WCJS board member or officer draws a salary.  

One way to become a member - paper and snail mail:

Click on the Membership Form link at the bottom of this page to download our membership form.  Please print it out, fill in the required information, and mail it with your check to the address shown on the form.  The membership form indicates several levels of membership including some advanced levels that may be of interest.  

OR do it the 21st century way - join or renew your membership on-line: 


  • Save your valuable time

  • Get an automatic receipt 

  • Save on postage               

You have the ability to donate to the West Coast Jazz Society using your credit card through PayPal.  You do not need to set up a PayPal account to donate on-line.  To use this feature efficiently, please note the following:  When you click the Donate button below, you will be taken to the PayPal page.  In the Purpose field, please type in, "Membership for First Name(s) Last Name".  Then fill in the amount commensurate with the desired membership level.  Individual membership levels are $35, $50 (couple - same residence), $65 Family (limit of 4 issued per household).  Advanced membership levels are $500 (Benefactor), $250 (Patron) and $1000 (Sponsor/Lifetime).  If you merely wish to donate without becoming a member, simply say "donation" in the purpose field, and specify the amount.  

When you donate on-line PayPal will email you a payment confirmation and receipt you can use for your tax records.





Note that membership (other than Lifetime) is for the calendar year.  Donations received early in the year greatly help with budgeting, planning, free concerts and workshop funding.


Membership Form

West Coast Jazz Society
33 NW 29th Street
Lawton, OK 73505

West Coast Jazz Society Inc.
Bringing great  Jazz to the West  &  East of the World...and all points in between

Unknown Track - Unknown Artist
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